What is Cross Camp?
The name says it all. Cross Camp is a camp for youth (6th - 12th grade) that exists because of the cross of Calvary.
There are several distinguishing marks that are hallmarks of Cross Camp.
1) Christ - everything we do points to Jesus Christ. Our daily schedule does not revolve around seeing how much fun and free time we can have. Instead, our daily schedule revolves around how much Jesus we can give to these students. From the moment you wake up and attend Only for the Bold until you lay your head down after Church Group Devotions, you are learning how you can become a closer follower of Him, and having the time of your life doing it.
2) Community - One major thing that separates us from every other camp is the sense of community. The Cross Camp community has kept people together for over a decade. You will run into someone from your Bible study at the mall. You will see someone from your family group at a D'Now, retreat, or youth conference. You will see a member of the staff on Facebook or your Family Group leader’s email in your inbox. For nearly everyone in attendance, you will have someone who has attended Cross Camp within an hour’s drive. That sense of community helps keep us excited about following Jesus. That kind of community isn't found in many other camps.
3) Cost - We take pride in being able to provide a lot of camp for a small cost. We're not looking to make a profit at camp. When planning the price for camp each year, our goal is to charge just enough to be able to have camp the next year. However in this case, low cost does not mean low quality. We understand the majority of churches have tight budgets and cannot afford a camp six hours away that costs $350+/student. Teenagers need to go to camp. Camp should be affordable.