

Total Cost Per Person $315

To begin registration for CC 2024 @ Louisiana Christian University, fill out the “Registration Form” below and mail in your $250 registration fee to:

Cross Camp

PO Box 14232

Monroe, LA 71207

How Registration Works:

Step 1:

Fill out the online registration form below and mail in your one time $250 church registration fee.

Update: LC Registration is closed. Please email to register.

Step 2:

Download and fill out this deposit form. To avoid losing your place at camp, mail in the deposit form along with half of your total balance (total people x $157.50) by March 15th. Please note that after March 16th, this money is not refundable. This means that if you bring fewer people, the extra money sent will not roll into paying for those who you do bring.

Also, if your first deposit is postmarked after March 16th, the price per person is $345. If that is the case, your first deposit should reflect this cost (total people x $172.50). This cost also applies if the total number of people coming with your church increases after March 15th.

Step 3:

You will receive an email concerning your final roster numbers. Respond to that email and mail in your remaining balance by May 3rd. This payment is non-refundable.

Step 4:

Please bring with you to camp a notarized Medical Release Form for every student and adult coming with you to camp along with a copy of their health insurance card.

Distribute this Leader Guide to all of your chaperones and this Student-Parent Flyer to your students and their parents before camp.

If there are any general registration questions, please email our staff.